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#6 Evan Hadfield on AI and Democracy

About the event

In the sixth episode of ALIGN webinar series, we invite Evan Hadfield, Projects Director of the Collective Intelligence Project (CIP) and a specialist in Human Computation.  

Before joining the CIP, Evan has worked at Twitter and Clara Labs as an engineer and a human computation data analyst. As an Projects Lead, Evan focuses on research and development of decision-making technologies, processes, and institutions that expand a group’s capacity to construct and cooperate towards shared goals. 

Collective Intelligence attempts to optimize all elements of “transformative technology trilemma”: participation, progress, and safety, effectively overcoming problems and limitations seen in capitalist acceleration, authoritarian technocracy, and shared stagnation 

We will hear from Evan about ways to democratize AI. Questions that would be explored include “What approach has/will Collective Intelligence Project taken/take to understand conflicting values of diverse groups of people?”, “How we can remake technology institutions to become “collectively intelligent”?”, and  “What are challenges and opportunities of expanding the ethos of Collective Intelligence to a larger parts of the world?”. The talk will be valuable not only for the future of AI ethics but also for reconsidering the relationship between technology and democracy.

  • Date: Friday, 28 June 2024 10:00 am-11:00 am (JST) = Thursday, 27th 6:00 pm - 6:55 pm (PDT)

  • The talk (including the discussion part) will be recorded and maybe posted on ALIGN’s Youtube Channel.

  • 日時:2024年6月28日(金)10:00 am-11:00 am (日本時間)

  • 英語のイベントです(質疑は日本語でも可能)。

  • イベントは議論部分を含めて録画のうえ、ALIGNのYoutubeチャンネルにて公開する可能性があります(未定)。


  • 10:00-10:05 House keeping from ALIGN/AI Alignment Talk from Japan

  • 10:05-10:35 Evan Hadfield on AI and Democracy

  • 10:35-10:55 Q&A and discussion with participants

  • 10:55- closing

Selected reading 

Also listen to 

Intended Audience

  • Anyone interested in AI Alignment/AI Safety research (not necessarily currently engaged in it).

  • Our hope is to invite many audience based in Japan and discuss field-building activities in the Japanese context, but nevertheless we welcome access from around the world.

21 June

#5 「AIガバナンスとフェアネス」(ゲスト:工藤郁子さん)

4 July

#7 「テクノロジーの〈解釈学〉」から考えるAI (ゲスト:小林茂さん(IAMAS))